+ 31 (0) 316 52 33 05
Algemene Voorwaarden
FBA® Collection
FBA® Collection.
A Hellebore niger, also known as ‘Christmas Rose’ or ‘Winter Rose’, is a real winter bloomer. Originally, it grows in the Alps on the hillsides. A Hellebore niger is an evergreen perennial flowering plant and has it flowering period from December until March. FBA Plants has their own assortment Hellebore niger: FBA® Collection. This assortment is specifically selected on early flowering (upward of October), compact rosette and pure white flowers.
The FBA® Collection consists of the following varieties:
FBA® Collection ‘Little Star’ (young plants available)
FBA® Collection ‘Happy Day’ (young plants available)
FBA® Collection ‘Happy Day Royal’
FBA® Collection ‘Praecox’ (young plants available)
FBA® Collection ‘Happy Dream’ (young plants available)