+ 31 (0) 316 52 33 05
Algemene Voorwaarden
About Us
FBA Plants is your partner in the area of young plants of Helleborus niger. Thanks to its parent company ‘Kwekerij Arbeidsvreugde’, FBA Plants has years of experience in growing and breeding of Hellebore niger varieties. ‘Arbeidsvreugde’ have been breeding and propagating varieties of Hellebore niger since the early nineties. Because of changes in the market ‘Arbeidsvreugde’ decided at that time to focus only on the cultivation of Hellebore niger. Thanks to the years of experience and gained knowledge ‘Arbeidsvreugde’ has become an established player in the market of Hellebore niger. To conclude, FBA Plants breeds and propagates their own varieties of Hellebore niger, namely the FBA® Collection. Therefore, the knowledge and experience of growing Helleborus niger of its parent company is used.
FBA Plants is founded in 2011, its parent company in 1990. De main location of the company is in Groessen. In total there are five locations with thirty employees divided over FBA Plants and Arbeidsvreugde, where every employee has its own specialism. Flex workers are deployed in the peak of the Hellebore season.